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C. (Ceylin) Idel MSc

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
GPIO : Urban Geographies

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profile

    Ceylin is a PhD candidate in Urban Geography at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research in the NWO VIDI project "Between collectivization and enclosure: self-organization and state formation in rapidly growing cities" led by Prof. Dr. Justus Uitermark. She studied City and Regional Planning (BSc) and Sociology (MSc) at the Middle East Technical University.

    Her current PhD research aims to understand post-secular modernity in Turkey from an everyday spatial perspective. She focuses on the transformation from secular to post-secular modernity as a distinct political project through the lens of place-making in the Kayasehir Social Housing Estate (TOKI) in Istanbul. Her research explores how the place-making practices of local AKP volunteers, Islamic education institutions (Diyanet and Cemaats), and social housing residents establish, negotiate, and challenge modernity beyond secularism.

    Her broader scholarly interests include political transformations, daily practices of citizenship, anthropology of state, everyday geographies, place-making,  and ethnography.

  • Teaching

    2022 - Research Abroad – Istanbul (BSc)

    2021 – Research Abroad – Istanbul (BSc)

    2021 – Tutorials Sociological Theory 4: Structure and Culture (BSc)

    2020 - Tutorials Sociological Theory 4: Structure and Culture (BSc)



  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities