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Dr. O. (Olga) Sezneva

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Programme group: Cultural Sociology
Photographer: Olga Sezneva

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Room number: B6.18
Postal address
  • Postbus 15508
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publications




    • Chernysheva, L., & Sezneva, O. (2020). Commoning beyond ‘commons’: The case of the Russian ‘obshcheye’. The Sociological Review, 68(2), 322-340. [details]
    • Chernysheva, L., Dányi, E., de la Cadena, M., Farquhar, J., Joks, S., Kondo, S., Lai, L., Law, J., Lin, W., Magelhães, B., Martínez Medina, S., M'charek, A., Mol, A., Sezneva, O., Swanson, H., & Østmo, L. (2020). Translating a title: On other terms. The Sociological Review, 68(2), 283-286. [details]
    • Sezneva, O. (2020). Of trophy and triumph: Affective lives of dispossessed homes. In S. Watson (Ed.), Spatial Justice in the City (pp. 79-94). (Space, Materiality and the Normative). Routledge. [details]



    • Sezneva, O. (2015). Pirate cosmopolitics and the transnational consciousness of the entertainment industry. In P. Levitt, & P. Nyíri (Eds.), Books, Bodies, and Bronzes: Comparing sites of global citizenship creation (pp. 78-94). (Ethnic and Racial Studies). London: Routledge. [details]





    • Sezneva, O. (2010). Modalities of self-understanding, identification and representation in the post-1991 Kaliningrad: a critical view. In S. Berger (Ed.), Kaliningrad in Europa: nachbarschaftliche Perspektiven nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges (pp. 35-57). (Veröffentlichungen des Nordost-Instituts; No. 14). Harrassowitz. [details]



    • Sezneva, O. (2016). Cities of Socialism: Migration, Mass Housing and Political Change an Eastern Europe And The Soviet Union after World War II: [Review of: S.E. Harris (2013) Communism on Tomorrow Street: Mass Housing and Everyday Life After Stalin; K. Lebow (2013) Unfinished Utopia: Nowa Huta, Stalinism and Polish society, 1949-56; G. Thum (2011) Uprooted: How Breslau Became Wrocław During the Century of Expulsions]. Journal of Urban History, 42(5), 1153-1157. [details]






    • Sezneva, O., & Dodsworth, F. (2012). Safer Cycling: mobilising politics and infrastructure in Amsterdam and London. Paper presented at Promises: Crisis and Socio-Cultural Change, Manchester, United Kingdom.

    Prize / grant

    • Sezneva, O. (2013). Mega-Grant for International Research Cooperation. Project ‘International Diaspora of Russian Computer Scientists.’ (2013-2016).

    Membership / relevant position

    • Sezneva, O. (2015). Member, American Sociological Association.
    • Sezneva, O. (2015-2017). American Sociological Association, Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago.
    • Sezneva, O. (2013). Co-director, IMES, UvA.
    • Sezneva, O. (2011). Co-director, IMES, IMES.
    • Sezneva, O. & Guadeloupe, F. E. (2011). Organizer, NWO-ICSSR conference 'Religion and Ethnicity in the Age of Globalization.
    • Sezneva, O., Vermeulen, F. F. & Kalir, B. (2011). Co-organizer. Race and Whiteness in Comparative Perspective conference, IMES.
    • Sezneva, O. (2010-2013). member of the editorial board, Contemporary Sociology.
    • Sezneva, O. (2010-2011). Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology.
    • Sezneva, O. (2010-2011). member, Council for European Studies.
    • Sezneva, O. (2010-2011). local organizing committee member, RC21 Conferece.

    Media appearance

    • Sezneva, O. (30-04-2016). Polis: learning from the European Prize for Public Space [Web] The Village online. Polis: learning from the European Prize for Public Space.
    • Sezneva, O. (02-05-2012). Transnational Piracy Research in Practice: A Roundtable Interview with Joe Karaganis, John Cross, Olga Sezneva, and Ravi Sundaram [Print] Television and New Media: volume 13, issue 5, pp. 447-458. Transnational Piracy Research in Practice: A Roundtable Interview with Joe Karaganis, John Cross, Olga Sezneva, and Ravi Sundaram.
    • Sezneva, O. (03-10-2011). Pirates [Radio], New York City. Pirates.

    Talk / presentation

    • Sezneva, O. (speaker) (24-5-2018). Pride and Property: Emotions, Justice and the Changing Regimes of Ownership in Kaliningrad, the Former Königsberg, Material Feelings: Population Displacement and Property Transfer in Modern Europe and Beyond, Leipzig.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) & Ossman, S. (invited speaker) (20-10-2016). Traveling Narratives and Images in Times of Migration, The Norwegian University Centre in Paris, NUCP/Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.
    • Sezneva, O. (speaker) (30-6-2016). Displacement, Dispossession, Affect. The circulation of Koenigsberg’s material culture in the contemporary Kaliningrad., Spatial Justice in the City, Milton Keynes.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (2016). Invited paper ‘Pride and Property’, Workshop Spatial Justice at Manchester University, Manchester.
    • Sezneva, O. (speaker) (2016). Moving Matters Traveling Workshop and Conference. Invited speaker., Travelling workshop at Center for Globalization Studies, University of California , Riverside.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (2016). Invited plenary speaker, Conference VDNKh, St. Petersburg.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (23-10-2015). Value, Intellect and the Commodity Form in the Age of Digital Technology, Invited lecture at ‘Club Context’, Sint Petersburg.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (17-9-2015). ‘Between Duree and Obduracy. On the Construction of Continuity in Urban Space’, Plenary lecture. Conference: Urban STS. Reassembling the Field. European University at St. Petersburg., St. Petersburg.
    • Sezneva, O. (speaker) (11-8-2015). Pirate Cosmopolitics and the Transnational Consciousness of Entertainment Industry.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (20-7-2015). Debating Citizens in Search for Publicness, Invited speaker at ‘Places vs Scenarios’. Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (12-6-2015). Order and Disorder in Contemporary City, Key-note address, launch of Open University intiative, St-Petersburg.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (14-12-2012). Rethniking Copyright Through Copy in Russia, VDNKh, European University at St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) & Chauvin, S. (invited speaker) (3-12-2011). Value, intellect and the obsolescence of commodity (invited paper), Critical Historical Studies conference (University of Chicago and The Social Theory Workshop), Chicago.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (6-9-2011). We Have Never Been German: lessons from the forced migration, Framing the City, CRESC Annual Conference, Manchester.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (25-8-2011). Doing Research on Piracy: Issues of the Method (invited paper), Global Congress on Public Interest, Washington, DC.
    • Sezneva, O. (invited speaker) (15-4-2011). Rethinking Copyright Through the Copy (invited paper), NYLUM (New York University and LSE): Cultures of Circulation conference, Ottowa.


    • Roei, N. (organiser), Pols, J. (organiser), Lane, M. (organiser), Stergioula, S. (organiser), Parry, M. (participant), Sezneva, O. (participant), Krause, K. (participant), Vroon, V. (participant), Yalciner, G. (participant), Camuti, F. (participant) & Phillips, S. (participant) (12-10-2023). ArtiC interfaculty meeting, Amsterdam. ArtiC interfaculty meeting (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) & Gantner, E. (organiser) (13-9-2018 - 14-9-2018). Heritage Activism in Cities of Eastern Europe and Russia from 1968 to the Current, Marburg (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van de Kamp, L. (participant), Halauniova, A. (participant), Birdsall, C. (participant) & Sezneva, O. (participant) (18-5-2018). Urban Valorisation: Cultural Forms, Local Heritage and Redevelopment Agendas (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) (17-5-2018). Urban Valorization - Traverse Heritage: Voice, Body, Movement, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van de Kamp, L. (participant), Sezneva, O. (organiser), Birdsall, C. (organiser) & Halauniova, A. (organiser) (17-5-2018). Urban Valorization - Traverse Heritage: Voice, Body, Movement, Amsterdam. Moving Matters Traveling Workshop in Hermitage, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van de Kamp, L. (participant), Sezneva, O. (organiser), Halauniova, A. (organiser) & Birdsall, C. (organiser) (17-5-2018). Museum Performance: Traverse Heritage: Voice, Body, Movement, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) (28-3-2018 - 30-3-2018). 25th International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago. panel organiser and presenter. Panel: Arts of Migration. Performance and non-fiction reading. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (chair) (12-12-2016). Spui25. Lights of Russia: Russian IT Development, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) (22-10-2016). Spui25. Soviet Cybernetics, a public lecture by Diana West, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) (17-5-2016 - 20-5-2016). ‘Live Infrastructure’, St. Petersburg (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (other) (28-4-2016 - 26-5-2016). Organizer: Polis: four lectures on urban development by invited international speakers (other).
    • Sezneva, O. (participant) (16-12-2015 - 19-12-2015). at European University at SPb (in cooperation with ITMO University (St Petersburg), UvA), Sint Petersburg. Co-organizer: ‘Computational and Social Sciences: Erasing the Boundaries’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (participant) (14-12-2015). In cooperation between CUS and IMES, Amsterdam. Organizer: ‘Being Political in Architecture and Urban Design’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (participant) (17-9-2015 - 19-9-2015). At European University EUSPB (in cooperation with CSTS-U of Munich and ETH-Zurich), Sint Petersburg. Co-organizer: ‘Urban STS: reassembling the field’ (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Sezneva, O. (organiser) (25-8-2012 - 27-8-2012). MISOCO annual conference., UvA, Amsterdam. Mobility: a new paradigm? (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Chernysheva, L. (2024). Neighboring alone? Digitally mediated communal life in a post-socialist large housing estate. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



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