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Dr. E. (Evelyne) Baillergeau

Gentrification and Segregation | Social Exclusion and Inequality | Public Space | Urban Security

J.R. (Jelke) Bosma MSc

Platform Urbanism | Airbnb & Short-term rental | Labour & Capital

Dr W.R. (Willem) Boterman

Social Class | Educational Inequality | Gentrification

Dr. W.P.C. (Wouter) van Gent

Segregation | Urban Politics | Gentrification | Residential Mobility | Housing

Dr. C.H. (Tina) Harris

Mobility | Ethnography | Aviation | Infrastructure | Himalayas

Prof. dr. R.K. (Rivke) Jaffe

Citizenship | Security | Popular Culture

Dr. ir. C.J. (Christien) Klaufus

Deathscapes | Urban Planning | Social Exclusion & Inequality

Prof. dr. D. (Dorien) Manting

Spatial Demography | Urban Migration | Inequality

Dr. B. (Bo) Paulle

Mixed Methods, (Program) Evaluations, (Tutoring) Interventions | Violence Prevention | Urban Marginality

Dr. F.M. (Fenne) Pinkster

Concentration of Poverty | Neighborhood Belonging | Politics of Place

Dr. N.R.M. (Nicky) Pouw

Urban Agriculture | Food Security | Women Food Entrepreneurship | Inclusive Value Chains | Inclusive Economy | Poverty and Inequality

Dr P.J. (Pamela) Prickett

Urban Ethnography | Religion | Gender | Inequality

Dr L.J. (Luisa) Steur

Class | Race | Working Lives | Havana

Prof. dr. M.T. (Tuna) Tasan-Kok

Property-led Urban Development | Planning for Diversity | Urban Regeneration

Dr. H.J.L.M. (Hebe) Verrest

Caribbean Cities | Politics of Urban Governance | Risk Adaptation | Spatial Inequalities

Dr. A. (Aslan) Zorlu

Advanced Quantitative (Social Science) Research Methods