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J.R. (Jelke) Bosma MSc

Platform Urbanism | Airbnb & Short-term rental | Labour & Capital

Dr. J.C. (Joos) Droogleever Fortuijn

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Dep. Human Geography, Planning & International Development Studies

Prof. dr. W.G.J. (Jan Willem) Duyvendak

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Prof. dr. E.M. (Eileen) Moyer

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas

Dr. B. (Bo) Paulle

Mixed Methods, (Program) Evaluations, (Tutoring) Interventions | Violence Prevention | Urban Marginality

Dr. F.M. (Fenne) Pinkster

Concentration of Poverty | Neighborhood Belonging | Politics of Place

Prof. dr. J.C. (Jan) Rath

Religion | Urbanism | Politics | Research | Racism | Education | Cities | Entrepreneurship

Dr. D. (Debraj) Roy

Urban Complex System | Modelling and Simulation

F.N. (Fenna) Smits MSc

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body

Dr. I. (Imrat) Verhoeven

Policy Conflicts | Citizens Initiatives | Local Democracy | Social Movements