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Dr. R.I.M. (Rowan) Arundel

Intergenerational Inequalities | Young People | Homeownership

J.R. (Jelke) Bosma MSc

Platform Urbanism | Airbnb & Short-term rental | Labour & Capital

Dr. W.P.C. (Wouter) van Gent

Segregation | Urban Politics | Gentrification | Residential Mobility | Housing

J. (Jolien) Groot MSc

Non-traditional Housing Contracts | Temporary Housing | Social and Institutional Change

Dr. C. (Cody) Hochstenbach

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

GPIO : Urban Geographies

Prof. dr. R. (Richard) Ronald

Property Wealth | Urban Families & Demographies | Comparative Urbanism

Dr. D. (Debraj) Roy

Urban Complex System| Modelling and Simulation

Dr. A. (Aslan) Zorlu

Advanced Quantitative (Social Science) Research Methods