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Prof. dr. W.G.J. (Jan Willem) Duyvendak

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Dr. ir. C.J. (Christien) Klaufus

Deathscapes | Urban Planning | Social Exclusion & Inequality

Dr. V.D. (Virginie) Mamadouh

Urban Social Movements | Urban Multilingualism | Urban & Multiscalar Territorial Identities & Citizenship

Prof. dr. D. (Dorien) Manting

Spatial Demography | Urban Migration | Inequality

L. (Lieke) Prins MA MSc

Street Art Culture | Identity Expression | Gender | Public Space

D.A. (Debra) Solomon

Right to the City | Urban Nature | More than Human | Governance

Dr L.J. (Luisa) Steur

Class | Race | Working Lives | Havana

Prof. dr. M.T. (Tuna) Tasan-Kok

Property-led Urban Development | Planning for Diversity | Urban Regeneration

Prof. dr. J.L. (Justus) Uitermark

Urban Politics | Social Media | Rapid Urbanisation