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Prof. dr. W.G.J. (Jan Willem) Duyvendak

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Political Sociology: Power, Place and Difference

Prof. dr. E.R. (Ewald) Engelen

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

GPIO: Political and Economic Geographies

Dr. W.P.C. (Wouter) van Gent

Segregation | Urban Politics | Gentrification | Residential Mobility | Housing

Prof. dr. J. (John) Grin

Urban Transitions | Sustainable Cities | Urban Governance | Urban Commons | Urban Experiments | Urban Infrastructures

Prof. dr. J. (Joyeeta) Gupta

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

GPIO : Governance and Inclusive Development

C. (Ceylin) Idel MSc

Political Geography | Statehood | Political Economy | Urban Politics

Dr. V.D. (Virginie) Mamadouh

Urban Social Movements | Urban Multilingualism | Urban & Multiscalar Territorial Identities & Citizenship

Dr. M.J.M. (Marcel) Maussen

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Challenges to Democratic Representation

Dr. F. (Federico) Savini

Politics of Development | Institutional Innovation | Critical Planning Studies

F.N. (Fenna) Smits MSc

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Anthropology of Health, Care and the Body

Dr L.J. (Luisa) Steur

Class | Race | Working Lives | Havana

Prof. dr. J.L. (Justus) Uitermark

Urban Politics | Social Media | Rapid Urbanisation

Dr. F.F. (Floris) Vermeulen

Local politics | Community-based Organisations | Immigrants

Dr. D.V. (Darshan) Vigneswaran

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Programme group: Transnational Configurations, Conflict and Governance